Adobe Campaign Integration

Sending review emails through Adobe Campaign.

TestFreaks can integrate with Adobe Campaign’s event API by setting up session tokens and IP restrictions. A “ProductReview” event will then be generated for each email, containing customer and order data as well as links to pages for submitting reviews.

ProductReview Event

The product review event contains the following fields:

Field Description
customerId The customer ID if provided in the order data, otherwise same as customerEmail.
customerName The full customer name as provided in the order data.
customerEmail The customer’s e-mail address.
reviewsLink Link to a summary page with all articles, allowing writing reviews for each.
sellerReviewLink Link to page for submitting a seller review.
optOutLink Link to page performing an opt out from future ProductReview events to this customer.
articles List of articles.

Each article has the following fields:

Field Description
id The article ID as provided in the order data.
name The article name.
category The article’s category.
orderId The order ID as provided in the order data.
reviewLink Link to page for submitting a review of the article.
imageLink Link to image, if provided in the order data.


Example of a ProductReview event as posted to Adobe Campaign:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <rtEvent type="ProductReview" email="">
            <customerName>John Doe</customerName>
                <name>Article Name</name>
                <category>Article Category</category>