Personal Data API

The Personal Data API can be used to view and delete all personal data related to a customer id or email address.

GET /v1/personal_data

Find all personal data by customer ID or email address.

What is personal data?

Personal data stored in TestFreaks’ system includes:

  • Customer information, including name and email address
  • Questions, including the question text and nickname
  • Verified reviews, including the review text and nickname
  • Written unverified reviews, including the review text and nickname
  • Written seller reviews, including the review text and nickname.

Order data, including order items, are not considered personal data in itself.

Request parameters

client_id: The unique identifier for your client configuration.

customer_id (optional): Your unique and stable customer identifier for the customer.

email (optional): The customer’s email address.

Note: One of customer_id and email must be provided, but not both at the same time!

Response body

  "data": {
      "name": "John Doe",
      "customer_id": "C001",
      "email": "",
      "reviews": [{
        "author_nick": "JD",
        "title": "So good!",
        "content": "Excellent product!",
     "questions": [{
        "author_nick": "John",
        "title": "Does this come in black?",
        "content": "I think that would make it look so much better.",
     "seller_reviews": [{
        "author_nick": "John.D",
        "title": "Best store in town",
        "content": "Excellent service!",

POST /v1/personal_data/delete

Delete all personal data by customer ID or email address.

The orders and order items for the customer are also deleted, since they are no longer relevant.

Request body

Content-Type: application/json

    "customer_id": "C001"


    "email": ""

Note: One of customer_id and email must be provided, but not both at the same time!


The endpoint will always return 204 No Content when there is no personal data left for the customer id or email.

This might be because all the data has now been deleted, or because there was no personal data matching the customer_id/email in the first place.

If it is important to know what information was deleted, use the GET /v1/personal_data before and after POST /v1/personal_data/delete.